Do I require planning permission? How can I obtain planning permission? These are among the most frequently asked questions, and rightfully so. Getting it right from the outset is crucial.
Even for moderately sized building projects like extensions, navigating the process of obtaining planning permission can be daunting if you're not adequately prepared. Bureaucratic procedures often move at a slow pace, and even the most seamless application can take a minimum of two months to process. Therefore, ensuring accuracy from the outset is imperative, as any need for resubmission could result in additional delays ranging from three to six months.

Your trusted advisor...
We have ample experience in managing planning applications. Whether you need guidance or prefer a hassle-free experience, you can rely on us. At P&W Plans, we can handle your applications from start to finish, representing you throughout the planning consent process. Our goal is to secure a timely decision from the relevant local authority, providing you with peace of mind.

Accurate and consistent plans...
Choosing a single source for your plans eliminates delays in planning and warrant applications, helping you save time and money while avoiding potential legal issues.
At P&W Plans, we handle everything from start to finish. We'll prepare and submit the planning application based on pre-approved drawings, ensuring strict control over versions throughout the design process. This guarantees consistency and coherence in your plans, safeguarding you against any potential legal concerns.

Keeping you informed...
Through comprehensive consultation with you, we take charge of overseeing and advancing progress on the planning front. This includes conducting any necessary negotiations with planning officers and consultants, as well as addressing any representations or objections brought to our attention.
Should the rare situation arise where the application necessitates consideration by the council's Planning and Regulatory Services Committee, we step in to make a detailed presentation. Leveraging the information submitted alongside the planning application, we ensure a thorough and visually compelling representation of your project's merits.

Latest legislation...
With our extensive experience handling numerous applications, we remain up-to-date on the latest legislation and guidance, ensuring comprehensive understanding and compliance.
Collaborating closely with you, we strive to minimize the need for additional procedures and assessments wherever feasible.
We maintain open communication channels with planning officers, seeking to grasp their perspectives on the proposal before providing informed recommendations on the best course of action.